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Cheese, milk and dairy products. From the pastures of Italy to the tables of the world

Cheese, milk and dairy products. From the pastures of Italy to the tables of the world

Cheese, milk and dairy products

In Italy about 400 kinds of cheese are produced

Cheese is obtained by the curdling of the protein part of milk, named casein, and its fatty part through the rennet.

Each type of cheese obviously contains particular organoleptic and nutritional properties, as well as different percentages of fat, proteins, calcium and sodium.


is a food with a very high nutritional value and represents a good source of calcium, an indispensable element for the development and protection of our body. Cheese is an optimal supplier of protein, with a percentage which can vary from 16 to 35%. This percentage is higher than that of meat (18-28%). Cheese is easy to digest, while fresh cheese contains less nutritional elements than the seasoned varieties. In comparison with fresh cheese, the seasoned varieties are easier to digest since during the seasoning process a certain quantity of fat is subject to the lipolysis process.

The cheeses considered fatty are those made with whole milk and with a lipidic content higher than 40%, half-fat are those with a content ranging from 20 to 40% and light are those with a content lower than 20%.

Perfect whether eaten alone or together with vegetables and bread, pasta, fruit, chocolate, honey and sugar, cheese is an extremely adaptable food.

Cream, butter and yoghurt are milk by-products.

Cream is made from the centrifugation of fresh milk and 30% of its content is fat. Originating from the fat part of milk, cream is a product rich in cholesterol (140 mg). Used in the preparation of sweets and ice creams, cream is also an ingredient of very fat cheese and is therefore not recommended as part of a low calorie diet.

Cream is the raw material for the production of butter, a very popular ingredient in the preparation of many recipes. It contains a high percentage of fat, about 80%, and is rich in vitamin A and mineral salts. It has also a high content of cholesterol, like all animal fats.


is another food originating from the fermentation process, that is from the introduction into the milk of special microorganisms which change its chemical and organoleptic features. Yoghurt is characterized by a rather elevated sourness which prevents the formation of pathogenic agents. This is the reason why it is possible to preserve it for several days without any additional preservatives. In comparison with milk, yoghurt is easier to digest and, according to the quantity of fat, is classified either as full fat yoghurt (having a fat content not lower than 3%), low fat yoghurt (having a fat content lower than 1%)  or as yoghurt with fruit to which sugar is often added in order to increase its calories.

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