Grandi Pastai Italiani

Great Pasta Italian port on tables around the world recipes for great Italian pasta masters with its production of fresh pasta and gnocchi
Old recipes, preserved with wisdom and proposed again in their original formula, here is the secret of the production of fresh pasta and gnocchi Great Italian Pasta. A company and a history that began in 1961
Simple gestures, such as preserving the ancient tradition of pasta masters who have given so much to the fame of Italian cuisine in the world
Great Italian Pasta is a company that lives halfway between tradition and innovation.
Tied to the past and respect of a historical and cultural tradition, looking to the global market.
How can I know how to handle a situation so indefinite in a market, such as food, marked by constantly changing
Vision, ideas, actions consistent, exceptional resources and strong determination, we imagine that the ingredients are
Everything should be treated with care, passion, attention and a lot of patience.
And so the recipes come in handy once again
We add a touch of healthy pragmatism and a knob of creative innovation, prudence and optimism.
The recipe is enriched with faith in the team, talent and conviction to be enhanced to play a major role in
Fresh pasta and gnocchi are ready!